East Kootenay Regional Hospital – MRI Addition
The new MRI Addition at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital was completed in April 2019. The construction of the new MRI consisted of modification to the existing building envelope as required to connect the new addition structure to the existing infrastructure, modification to the existing mechanical and electrical systems to connect the new system, demolition
VHK Capital Building Improvements – Kaslo Hospital
Kaslo, B.C. Rendek was awarded the contract for the renovation and addition to the VHK Kaslo Hospital after being the low bid through as a pre-approved General Contractor within the tendering system of IHA. The project consisted of a new Emergency Room entrance and renovations to the washrooms and administration of the existing ER along
Creston Valley Hospital
Creston, B.C. Construction of a new two-story, cast-in-place reinforced concrete building totaling 7,050 square feet of new space. An additional 1,700 square feet, of existing hospital interior was completely demolished and renovated to form part of the new facility. The finalized project introduced new Emergency, Trauma, Nursing, and Acute Patient Care Areas.