Think Safety, Work Safely, Safety First

On TARA project sites:

Everyone has a responsibility towards accident prevention and everyone is accountable. Through continuous safety and loss control improvement efforts, we work towards an injury and accident free workplace each and every day.


  • In order to achieve success, we educate and train through the following methods:
  • Work site orientation
  • Weekly “toolbox” meetings
  • Safety meetings
  • Hazard awareness and identification
  • Specific equipment and task training
  • Specialized and specific training (first aid, fall arrest, LSE)
At T.A.Rendek & Associates Ltd. we are committed to providing employees with the equipment, training, and best practices to achieve an ultimate goal of zero accidents, while promoting a positive attitude toward health and safety within the organization. Protecting our greatest resource — our people — is the highest priority of the firm.


  • Our safety measures include:
  • Safety-trained supervisors, subtrades, workers, and owners
  • Ample safety signage
  • Safety equipment on site, readily available
  • Mandatory safety requirements
  • Safety training and company standard safety manual
  • Job site security / fencing where required
All safety-related incidents are foreseeable, predictable and preventable, which is why we strive for complete safety on each project through good management and utilization of our resources, a comprehensive safety system, a strong supervisory presence, and senior management commitment. Before commencing work on the construction site, our employees and site superintendents perform all required due diligence, risk management, and hazard assessments. We believe that safety benefits everyone: our employees on the job site, the families of those employees, and the employer, because a safe business is a profitable business.


  • Environmental Policy
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Controls
  • On-going Communication
  • Concern for Employees
Our Health and Safety Program is in constant development to reflect its increased operational scope and higher standards for safety in the workplace. An environmental policy, hazard and risk assessment, as well as the mandate to continually improve job-site communication skills are examples of areas we include in our program. Safety is built into our business and a high regard for workplace safety is part of our culture of fairness towards and caring for our employees, sub-contractors and suppliers.